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Click for a PDF of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals Constitution, Amended: 13 October 2015
Click for a PDF of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals By-laws, Amended: 13 April 2018
Click for a PDF of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals By-laws, Amended: 12 December 2019
Ratified: 11 February 2003
Proposed Revisions: 27 August 2012, 30 April 2014, 09 September 2015
Amended: 27 September 2012, 16 September 2014, 13 October 2015
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals, referred to in this Constitution as “KAMP” or “the Association” is twofold:
- To foster the understanding and improvement of the management and use of geospatial information throughout the Commonwealth of Kentucky in all levels of government, academia, and the private sector.
- To provide a mechanism for dialogue and education regarding geospatial information issues of concern or interest to all Kentucky professionals involved in the collection, processing, analysis, use, and maintenance of geospatial information.
Section 2. Objectives
2.1 To create a framework in which the various governmental units, academic institutions, and private sector organizations of Kentucky may cooperate in the investigation, study, discussion, and recommendation of improvements in geospatial information management.
2.2 To provide a forum whereby geospatial information professionals and others interested in geospatial information may exchange ideas and experiences and obtain advice, by addressing common problems.
2.3 To advance geospatial knowledge and practice through education.
2.4 To encourage a high standard of professionalism as a means to more effectively serve the public.
2.5 To work toward the improvement and development of the quality of geospatial information available to government, academia, and the private sector.
2.6 To support legislation beneficial to the improvement of geospatial information and practice.
2.7 To actively promote the development of modern geospatial information management and analysis techniques.
2.8 To provide a unified professional voice on geospatial issues.
2.9 To promote interaction and cooperation among the members of KAMP, with other professional associations, and among other public and private sector groups.
2.10 To provide a forum for examining new geospatial information ideas.
2.11 To develop, and help others design, a variety of educational programs and materials on geospatial information issues.
2.12 To promote public understanding of KAMP, its members, and activities through a variety of media.
Section 1. Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
All members of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals shall be subject to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
1.1 Preamble
Members of KAMP are professional in character. The purpose of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct is twofold. Its primary purpose is to establish clear, precise, ethical, and professional guidelines for the members of KAMP who earnestly seek to discharge their duty to the public and their profession. Its secondary purpose is to provide minimum standards by which to judge KAMP members whose conduct is in question. Each member of KAMP agrees that they will:
1.2 Faith and Allegiance
Give full faith and allegiance to such oaths of office as the member may take, obey all applicable laws and regulations, and apply the law to all individuals alike as may be required of the member.
1.3 Performance
Perform all professional duties in a manner consistent with statutory requirements, without advocacy for, or accommodation of, any particular interests, being factual, objective, unbiased, and honest in all conclusions, and taking care to conform to the highest professional standards.
1.4 Public Records / Confidential Information
Make available all maps or data for public review unless: (1) access is specifically limited or prohibited by law; or (2) information has been obtained on a confidential or proprietary basis and the law permits such information to be kept confidential or proprietary.
1.5 Respectful Attitude
Maintain, at all times, a courteous and respectful attitude in relations with associates, clients, public officials, and the general public, and encourage a similar attitude on the part of all subordinates.
1.6 Public Officials
Cooperate with public officials to improve the efficiency and economy of public administration.
1.7 Conduct
Conduct all activities in a manner that will reflect credit upon the member, other members and KAMP. Cooperate fully with other members in all matters affecting any official duties the members may have.
1.8 Appearance of Impropriety
Use caution to avoid the appearance of impropriety even though, in fact, no impropriety exists or is intended.
1.9 Professional Reputation
Protect the professional reputation of other members of KAMP who subscribe to and abide by this Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
1.10 KAMP Professional Designations
Use no KAMP professional designation unless duly authorized to do so by the Association, and claim no qualifications in reports, testimony, or elsewhere, which are not factual or which may be subject to erroneous interpretation.
1.11 Recognition
Strive for the individual and collective recognition of the mapping field as a profession, and continually seek to take advantage of sources of current information and educational opportunities. Give full credit to the originator of any material used in writings or speeches.
1.12 Prohibited Assignments
Accept no mapping or other assignment in which the member has an unrevealed personal interest or bias, or which cannot be completed without placing the member’s personal integrity or that of the mapping profession in jeopardy.
1.13 Advertising and/or Solicitation
Avoid self-laudatory advertising and/or solicitation of engagements, using unwarranted, inaccurate, or misleading claims or promises, which are detrimental to the establishment and maintenance of public confidence. The Association declares that such practices on the part of a member constitute unethical and unprofessional conduct.
1.14 Report Unethical Practices
Report widely divergent testimony, unethical practices, or other acts by members tending to discredit KAMP or to lower the prestige of membership therein to the President of KAMP.
1.15 KAMP and Its Officers
Cooperate with KAMP and its officers in all matters, including, but not limited to, the investigation, censure, discipline, or expulsion of members who, by their conduct, prejudice their professional status or the reputation of KAMP.
1.16 Conform
Conform in all respects to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and the Constitution and By-laws of KAMP as the same may be amended from time to time.
Section 2. Member in Good Standing
A member in good standing is any member, Regular, Corporate, or Student, who is fiscally current with the association and who has not violated the KAMP Constitution and Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
Section 3. Regular Members
Regular membership shall be open to anyone involved with mapping, map production, geographic information systems (GIS) or geospatial information management.
Section 4. Corporate Members
Corporate membership shall be open to businesses and institutions interested in or involved with mapping or geospatial information management. Each corporate member shall be entitled to designate one (1) representative who shall have the rights and privileges of a regular member of the Association. Each corporate member shall be entitled to change its designated representative at anytime.
Section 5. Student Members
Student membership shall be open to any individual enrolled in a degree granting program at an accredited institution of higher education. Each student member shall have the rights and privileges of a regular member. Student membership status may be retained for the duration that the student is enrolled in the degree granting program. Student membership status shall terminate on December 31 of the year during which member’s enrollment in a degree granting program ceases. Student members shall notify KAMP when their qualifying enrollment ends.
Section 6. Honorary Members
At its discretion, the Executive Board may bestow honorary membership upon individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of mapping, GIS, geospatial information management, or to KAMP.
Eligibility requirements for honorary members are:
- The individual has conducted no acts that are in conflict with the KAMP Constitution and Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
- The individual is not a current member of KAMP.
Section 7. Electoral Rights
The right to hold office is open to all regular members in good standing.
Section 8. Voting Rights
The right to vote on issues brought before the membership at the annual meeting, election of officers, constitutional amendments, and other such matters affecting the Association shall be open to all members in good standing. All members in good standing shall have a single, equal vote regarding motions put before the Association.
Section 9. Membership Application
Application for membership may be made at any time of year. The right to accept or reject any application for membership is hereby reserved to the Executive Board, provided that no person shall be discriminated against by reason of race, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or physical ability.
Section 10. Membership Dues
The annual membership dues will be determined by the Executive Board and stated in the By-laws.
Section 11. Expulsion and Suspension of Members
At its discretion, the Executive Board may expel or suspend the rights of any member who has violated the Constitution or By-laws of the Association. A motion to expel or suspend shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board. An expulsion or suspension may be appealed at the next annual meeting and overturned by a majority vote of members in good standing, present and voting.
Section 1. Powers and Responsibilities
The governing body of the Association shall be the Executive Board. The Board shall provide direction for the Association and supervise its affairs. The Board shall have the authority to pass any By-laws deemed necessary to accomplish the mission of the Association that are not in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution. Such By-laws, or amendments thereto, shall be valid and in force when approved by an affirmative vote of a majority of Executive Board members. Presidential appointments shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Board. At their discretion, the Executive Board shall also have the authority to review and approve or reject publications of the Association, fund disbursements, the place and manner of keeping for all funds, securities and legal instruments of the Association, and committee budgets. Said committee budgets shall not be exceeded without approval of the Executive Board.
Section 2. Members
The Executive Board membership shall consist of all Association officers as identified in Article IV, Section 1 of this Constitution.
Section 3. Meetings
The Association President shall conduct and chair periodic meetings of the Executive Board for the purpose of furthering the mission of the Association. Special meetings of the Board may also be called at the discretion of the President or upon written request to the President by three (3) or more Executive Board members.
Section 4. Quorum and Voting
For the purpose of transacting official business, a quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of no less than a majority of the members. All members of the Executive Board shall have a single, equal vote regarding motions put before the Board.
Section 5. Compensation
Members of the Executive Board shall serve without compensation. However, the Executive Board reserves the authority to provide reasonable reimbursements for expenses incurred by the Association members who attend meetings, conferences or educational seminars on behalf of KAMP. The conditions under which members may qualify for such reimbursements shall be stipulated in the By-laws.
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, the Immediate Past-President, and one or more Directors. The method for determining the number of Directors for any given year shall be stipulated in the By-laws.
Section 2. Selection
Selection At the annual meeting of the Association there shall be elected a President-Elect for a term of one (1) year by those members in good standing and in attendance. On the January 1st immediately following the election all newly elected Board members will assume office; where by the President from the concluding year shall become the Immediate Past-President and the President Elect from the concluding year shall assume the office of President unless the office of President was vacated (see Article IV – Section 3). Also at the annual meeting the Association will elect half of the Directors and rotate electing a Secretary one year and a Treasurer the next, all for a term of two years.
Section 3. Vacancy of Office
When a vacancy other than the President occurs in the Executive Board, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of no less than three (3) members in good standing for the purpose of recommending a regular member in good standing to fill said vacancy. Recommendations of the nominating committee shall require approval of a majority vote of the Executive Board. Approved Director nominees shall serve until the end of that term. When a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Immediate Past-President shall immediately return thereto. The Immediate Past-President vacancy can only be replaced by a former President. Any appointment for an immediate vacancy of President Elect shall serve until the next annual meeting at which time the nominee for the vacated position will be put to the general membership for a vote of confidence in order to move to the next level of the presidential series.
Section 1. President
The President shall be the chairperson of the Association and preside at the annual meeting, special meetings, and meetings of the Executive Board. The President may designate the President-Elect or, in their absence, another member of the Executive Board to preside at meetings. The President shall appoint all committee chairpersons and other such appointments. The President shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 2. President-Elect
The President-Elect shall exercise all the powers and duties of the President in the absence or inability to act of the President and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 3. Secretary
The Secretary shall keep and maintain a true, up-to-date record of all proceedings of the Association and meetings of the Executive Board. The record of proceedings shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Executive Board. Following each election, the record of proceedings shall be turned over to the Secretary’s immediate successor in office. The Secretary shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial agent of the Association and shall exercise such authority, and shall perform other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds, securities, and legal instruments of the Association and shall be responsible for their safekeeping. To this end the Treasurer may, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, determine the place and manner of keeping for all funds, securities, and legal instruments. A correct account of all receipts and disbursements must be kept at all times and a complete up-to-date report submitted at each annual meeting. The Executive Board shall have full right to examine accounts of the Association and cause an audit to be made at any time. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain a roll of all members of the association. Following each election the membership roll and other records shall be turned over to the Treasurer’s immediate successor in office.
Section 5. Director
Directors shall be entitled to attend and vote at all Executive Board meetings. Directors shall serve as advisors to the Executive Board and represent the interests of the membership. Directors perform special tasks as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 6. Immediate Past-President
The Immediate Past-President shall be entitled to attend and vote at all Executive Board meetings. The Immediate Past-President shall serve as an advisor to the Executive Board. The Immediate Past-President shall have no formal duties, but shall perform special tasks as may be assigned by the Executive Board.
Section 1. Annual Meeting
A general meeting of the Association shall be held annually. At the annual meeting the election of officers shall take place, the Treasurer shall report on the status of the Association’s finances, and standing committees shall report their activities of the past year. Other events and/or reports may be conducted at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 2. Special Meetings
The Executive Board shall have authority to call special meetings of the Association for such purpose, at such time and location as the Board deems necessary.
Section 3. Notice
Notice of the annual and any special meetings shall be given to all members not less than 30 days prior to such meetings. The notice shall state the date, time and location of the meeting, and include an agenda of business to be conducted.
Section 4. Quorum and Voting
A quorum for the annual and special meetings will be determined in the By-laws. The election of officers, with the exception of filling office vacancies as stipulated by this Constitution, may only be conducted at the annual meeting. Other rules regarding motions and voting shall be stipulated in the By-laws.
Section 1. How Proposed
Any regular member in good standing may propose amendments to this Constitution. All proposed amendments must be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board before they can be submitted to the membership for ratification. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Executive Board for its review no less than sixty (60) days in advance of the annual meeting or special meeting.
Section 2. How Amended
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of all Association members eligible to vote and in attendance at the annual meeting or special meeting, provided that notice and a copy of any proposed amendment(s) shall have been sent to all members, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting, and that consideration of the amendment shall have been approved by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Section 1. Definition of Geospatial information
Geospatial information is any data, whether digital or hardcopy format, that has a spatial element relating to a map component.
Section 2. Ratification of Constitution
This Constitution shall be valid and in force when ratified by a majority vote of all Association members. Upon ratification of this Constitution, the chairperson of that initial meeting will conduct an election in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order. There will be no Past President in place.
Section 3. Dissolution Clause
If the Association is dissolved, its assets will be distributed to properly designated education and/or charitable organizations through a formula established by the Executive Board. In no case shall any assets revert to members or to any other person, but shall be used for nonprofit, educational, or charitable purposes, consistent with the mission of KAMP.
Section 4. Saving Clause
If any provision of this Constitution is declared invalid or unconstitutional, then all other portions thereof shall remain in full force and effect until amended or repealed through appropriate action.
Section 5. Correspondence
The official method of correspondence of the Association will be e-mail unless other provisions are made between an individual member and the sitting Treasurer. The responsibility of keeping current addresses with the Treasurer is the responsibility of each member.
Ratified: 18 November 2002
Amended: 20 November 2012
Amended: 6 June 2015
Amended: 13 April 2018
Amended: 12 December 2019
Article I. Additional Benefits of Corporate Members
(Reference Article II, Section 4 of the KAMP Constitution)
Corporate members shall be entitled to:
- A link or advertisement on the KAMP Website.
- Have access to KAMP member contact information.
Article II. Annual Dues
(Reference Article II, Section 10 of the KAMP Constitution)
The annual dues of KAMP membership will be as follows,
- Regular Membership: $25.00 per year.
- Corporate Membership: $75.00 per year.
- Student Membership: $5.00 per year.
Article III. Membership Terms
(Reference Article II, Section 9 of the KAMP Constitution)
The membership year shall begin January 1 of each year and end December 31 of the same year.
Members who have paid dues for the membership year shall be entitled to all appropriate privileges and publications of KAMP. Dues will be managed by KAMP Identification Numbers assigned to each member.
Provisions for the payment of dues are as follows,
(1) New Members: Membership dues are due at the time application is made. Dues paid before the annual meeting go into effect immediately and cover membership for the current membership year.
Dues paid at the annual meeting and before December 31 will go into effect immediately and cover the following membership year beginning on January 1.
(2) Existing Members: Membership dues are due before December 31 each year. Membership dues paid at the annual meeting and before December 31 of the current membership year shall go into effect
January 1 of the following year.
(3) Members who do not renew their membership by December 31 for the upcoming membership year shall be removed from current membership status. The renewing member will be immediately reinstated for the remainder of the current membership year once dues are paid in full.
Article IV. Amendments
(Reference Article III, Section 1 of the KAMP Constitution)
These By?laws may be amended by vote of the Executive Board as provided by Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution.
Article V. KAMP Sponsorship and Compensation of Conference Attendees
(Reference Article III, Section 5 of the KAMP Constitution)
When an Association member(s) in good standing is invited to attend, address, or make a presentation to a conference, meeting or symposium on GIS, cartography, photogrammetry, or a related geospatial field, the Executive Board may, at its discretion, allocate funds to the attendee(s) under the following conditions:
(1) The member(s) must be attending and /or addressing the conference exclusively as an official representative(s) of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals.
(2) If the member(s) is attending the conference, but not making a presentation, funds shall not be allocated for more than the conference registration fee(s).
(3) If the member(s) is addressing or making a presentation to the conference on behalf of the Kentucky
Association of Mapping Professionals, the Executive Board may, at its discretion, pay some or all of the conference registration fees and travel expenses incurred by the attendee(s).
(4) Any request for KAMP sponsorship must be submitted in writing for the approval of the Executive
Board thirty (30) days prior to the event. The request must include documentation of the invitation, a description of the nature of the conference and a justification for the outlay of KAMP funds.
Furthermore, if the member(s) is addressing or making a presentation to the conference on behalf of
KAMP, the presentation, speech or paper must also be submitted for the review of the Executive Board.
(5) For any single conference, the Executive Board shall not appropriate funds for more than three (3) attendees.
(6) Funds allocated under this plan shall require a two?thirds majority vote of the Executive Board.
Article VI. Rules for Voting
(Reference Article III, Section 4 of the KAMP Constitution)
The following rules apply to all votes taken at KAMP meetings by the Executive Board and by eligible voting members:
(1) Procedural motions, actions such as calling the question and adjournment, and substantive motions, which include Constitution and By-laws changes and other resolutions, shall require a majority vote of the quorum to pass.
(2) Should a vote on any procedural motion or proposed amendment to the Constitution end in a tie, the motion or amendment shall be deemed defeated. Voting rules for constitutional amendments are stipulated in the Article VII of the KAMP Constitution.
(3) No vote by proxy shall be permitted in any election or with regard to any motion put before KAMP.
(4) All other rules regarding voting and meeting conduct shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order provided that said Rules are not in conflict with KAMP’s Constitution or By?laws.
Article VII. Number of Directors
(Reference Article IV, Section 1 of the KAMP Constitution)
The number of Directors on the Executive Board shall be 6.
Article VIII. Annual Meeting
(Reference Article III, Section 3 of the KAMP Constitution)
The annual meeting will be held in conjunction with the Kentucky GIS Conference or during the last quarter of the fiscal year.
Article IX. Election Procedures
(Reference Article VI, Section 4 of the KAMP Constitution)
Election of officers shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
(1) The President shall appoint each year a Nomination Committee of no less than three (3) members in good standing. The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for managing nominations activities included by not limited to soliciting nominations and selecting candidates for KAMP officers, running the election process and announcing the results at the conclusion of the officer election.
(2) Neither the President nor the President?Elect of the Association may serve on the Nomination Committee.
(3) Members of the Nomination Committee shall make every effort to choose well-qualified candidates for each office. But, in the interest of free and open elections, the membership should not consider any candidate as having been endorsed by either the Executive Board or the Nomination Committee.
(4) Members of the Nomination Committee may not be selected by the Committee as a candidate for any office. Nomination Committee members may be nominated for any office, provided they are qualified to hold said office, when nominations are being accepted from the membership during the nomination solicitation and acceptance period.
(5) Prior to the annual meeting, the Nominations Committee shall select at least one of more regular members in good standing as candidate(s) for each office of President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Director base on KAMP’s election cycle rotation. No member may be recommended as a candidate for more than one position through a single nomination from a single nomination source. However, a member may be nominated for more than one office by difference nomination sources.
(6) Each candidate, before his or her name is placed on the ballot, must be informed of the duties and obligations of a leadership role and must accept the given office, by confirming his or her willingness to serve and fulfill the stated obligations of the position. After accepting to run for a given officer position, candidates will provide a photo, a brief biography, a brief video and/or statement for the ballot that will be provided to the membership.
(7) The Nomination Committee shall conduct the election by balloting, using any means that provides for a secret ballot with security, an audit trail, and no duplication of votes. The committee will be responsible for collecting completed ballots, tabulating the votes and reporting the results to the President. The President shall then announce the results to the membership at the annual meeting. No votes by proxy will be permitted.
(8) For any office, candidates with the most votes will be declared the winner.
(9) If a tie exists between the President Elect candidates receiving the most votes and / or a tie exists between the Director candidates so that a Directors seat cannot be awarded, a special run-off election shall be held to resolve the tie between those candidates. Members shall be provided the same candidate information as was provided with the original ballot. Voting and vote counting procedures shall be the same as in the initial election.
(10) Members of the Nomination Committee who accept a nomination for office shall resign immediately from the Nomination Committee. The Nominations Committee Chair shall then appoint a member in good standing who has not been nominated for any office to fill the vacancy on the Nomination Committee. If the Nominations Committee Chair accepts a nomination, the President shall appoint a new Chair who will then ensure the committee meets the three member minimum requirement.
(11) Prior to the election, the Nomination Committee shall report their selections to the Executive Board. The names of all nominees shall be listed on a ballot in alphabetical order for each office.
(12) All nomination and election procedures shall be conducted in an honest and forthright manner. Ballot contents and tabulations shall be regarded as confidential information and be known only to the members of the Nomination Committee. Final election results shall also be regarded as confidential information and be known only to members of the Nomination Committee and the President up until the President announces the election results to the membership.
(13) By majority vote the Executive Board may order a review of the ballots and examine their contents in closed session. The Executive Board shall have the authority to correct any tabulation mistakes discovered, install duly elected officers (as needed) and pursue appropriate disciplinary actions (if any).
Beyond such activities Executive Board members shall be obligated to keep ballot contents, tabulations and election results confidential.
Article X. Standing and Special Committees
(Reference Article V, Section 1, of the KAMP Constitution)
The President shall appoint Committee Chairpersons at the beginning of each fiscal year. Each Committee Chairperson shall be responsible for submitting a budget to the Budget and Audit Committee for the current fiscal year by March 1 of the same year. All committee recommendations will come before the Executive Board for final approval.
Standing committees of KAMP are as follows:
- Awards Committee: shall be responsible for supervision of the awards program of KAMP. The Committee shall assure that the membership is made fully aware of opportunities for recognition through announcements. It shall establish and carry out the procedures of soliciting and receiving recommendations from the membership, reviewing qualifications and selecting candidates for the different KAMP awards to be given at the annual meeting. It will prepare announcements to the membership.
- Education and Professional Development Committee: shall be responsible for all education?related programs of KAMP, including coordination of workshops and other professional development activities. It shall provide leadership, guidance and assistance to education? oriented activities within KAMP, including publications, technical programs at the annual Kentucky GIS conference and special projects. This Committee shall also be responsible for the dissemination, promotion and awareness of information toward the attainment of certification status in KAMP membership.
- Membership Committee: shall be directly responsible for the activities of KAMP regarding membership. It shall promote KAMP membership, contact prospective members and former members in an effort to ever increase and retain membership. The committee will work in conjunction with the Treasurer to verify the accuracy of member contact information and membership status. The treasurer is an ex?officio member of the committee.
- Communications Committee: shall be responsible for supervising the design, development and maintenance of KAMP’s Website and social media sites. It shall be responsible for KAMP publications and archive of all published materials. It shall also be responsible for recommended publication and Web presence policies to the Executive Board as deemed necessary. The secretary shall serve as an ex-officio member of the committee.
- Kentucky GIS Conference Planning Committee: shall be responsible for planning the annual Kentucky GIS Conference in its entirety, working in concert with the Education and Professional Development and Membership Committees. The president?elect shall serve as the chair of this committee.
- Scholarship Committee: shall be responsible for the supervision of the KAMP Scholarship Program. The Committee shall assure that KAMP membership and the geospatial community at?large in the Commonwealth of Kentucky are made aware of the scholarship opportunities. It shall establish and carry out the procedures of soliciting and receiving recommendations, reviewing qualifications and selecting candidates for the KAMP scholarships. The president shall serve as an ex?officio member of the committee.
- Budget and Audit Committee: shall meet during the final quarter of the fiscal year to develop a budget for the following fiscal year and perform an audit of the association’s finances and assets. The treasurer shall serve as an ex?officio member. The committee shall consist of two additional board members and two KAMP members in good standing.
- Other special Committees can be created and dismissed at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Article XI. Awards
Award nomination and selection shall follow the following guidelines:
- The Awards Committee shall be made up of no less than three members.
- If a member of the Awards Committee is nominated for an award they may choose to withdraw their membership from the Awards Committee or they may remain on the committee and withdraw their name from award consideration.
- The Awards Committee shall forward one award nominee name for each KAMP Award to the Executive Board for approval.
- The Executive Board reserves the right to change award recipients.
Article XII. Fellow of KAMP
The designation as “Fellow of KAMP” (hereinafter referred to as “Fellow”) is one of the highest honors that the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals bestows upon a member.
Selection as Fellow honors the achievements of the individual who has demonstrated exceptional service to KAMP through his or her involvement in GIS, geography, mapping, surveying, cartography or an allied subject through professional contributions, leadership roles, philanthropy, publications, teaching, mentoring or research.
Candidates for fellowship must be nominated, and then approved by the Executive Board, as outlined below:
(1) Requirements for Consideration: an individual nominated for Fellow must have a minimum of ten (10) years in good standing as a KAMP member. The individual is not required to have ten (10) years of consecutive membership. An individual nominated for Fellow shall have served at least one full term (as defined by Article IV. Section 1 of the KAMP constitution) on the KAMP Executive Board. The individual nominated for Fellow shall have a demonstrated track record of significant contributions in the fields of GIS, geography, mapping, surveying, cartography, or an allied subject.
(2) Nomination: any KAMP member in good standing may nominate another individual for consideration as Fellow. Self-nominations are not allowed.
(3) Handling of Nominations: The KAMP Executive Board is responsible for the development and approval of a nomination form.
(4) Approval of Fellow: Approval of a new Fellow shall require a three-quarters (¾) vote of approval by the KAMP Executive Board. This shall be a roll call vote.
(5) Number of Fellows per Year: A year is defined as a calendar year. With the exception of the first year in which Fellow of KAMP status is awarded, the KAMP Executive Board may approve in subsequent years a maximum of 2 Fellows per year. The KAMP Executive Board is not required to approve a new Fellow each year.
(6) Recognition of Fellows: New Fellows are to be presented and recognized at the annual meeting (Article VI. Section 1 of the KAMP constitution), except under extenuating circumstances as determined by majority vote of the KAMP Executive Board.
(7) Removal of Fellow: Should the need arise to revoke an individual’s status as Fellow, a unanimous vote shall be required by the KAMP Executive Board. Revocation of Fellow status may be based on, but not limited to, the following reasons: ethics violations, abuse of officer powers, or conduct detrimental to the industry, the profession, the Commonwealth, or to KAMP. The removal process shall be conducted by a roll call vote.
Article XIII. KAMP Scholarship
Funds for the KAMP Scholarship shall be managed in the following way:
- Funds so designated for scholarship purposes shall be earmarked for the KAMP Scholarship Fund.
- The KAMP Scholarship Committee shall determine the recipients and amounts for each scholarship awarded.
- Scholarship recipients and amounts shall be approved by the Executive Board before funds are dispersed.
Article XIV. Notification of Meetings
(Reference Article III, Section 3, and Article VI, Section 3 of the KAMP Constitution)
All official meetings and committee meetings called to be conducted by teleconference or otherwise, shall be announced to the membership sufficiently in advance.
Article XV. Approval of Expenditures
(Reference Article III, Sections 1 and 5, and Article V, Sections 1 and 4 of the KAMP Constitution)
All Association expenditures shall require the approval of the President and Treasurer. The Executive Board may review and approve or reject all fund disbursements.
Article XVI. Fiscal Year
The Association’s fiscal year shall begin January 1 of each year and close December 31 of the same year.