JOIN KSU’s Center  for Geospatial Intelligence and Environmental Security as we celebrate on GIS Day – Wednesday November 18, 2020!!!

Celebrate virtually with expert presentations, StoryMaps & more!

Students (high school and above), teachers, and the community are all invited to attend!

Featured topics by experts include: Careers in GIS, An Introduction to GIS & Environmental Security, Geographic Thought for the Classroom, Communicating in GeoSpatial, LiDAR, and more!

Register here: 


 Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Environmental Security and Land Grant Program


Virtual GIS Day 2020

Wednesday November 18th

Hosted on Classic Story Maps


This year, November 16-20 is the National Geo-Awareness Week which was established by the National Geographic Society as a way to educate people on how the decisions that they make in everyday life affect the world we live in. 


Geography is the science of exploring the world around us and geospatial technology, including mapping, information systems, artificial intelligence and robots, are the tools used for capturing, displaying, and analyzing location-specific data to help make relevant decisions.  Further, the jobs of the future are driven by the industries that require skills in technology, resulting from careers in environmental monitoring, supply chain characterizations, and even predictions of space weather.  


During this national and global celebration, enthusiasts and professionals join forces to help educate the public on the importance of the technology and, more importantly, to advertise opportunities for students and their stakeholders to get hands-on experience which includes flying drones, making maps, and exploring “where” we each are.  Join us on Wednesday November 18 as KSU celebrates Virtual GIS Day 2020 with presentations by experienced practitioners, StoryMap Gallery, and other exciting content.


Presenter Details


Brief presentations and messages are crafted to be accessible at least to high school students who may not have been exposed to geospatial in the wild before this occasion.  The primary objective was to introduce new geospatial topics or examples that inspire student participants to get engaged with ongoing projects or to start new projects at participant schools.  Material designed to help teachers or school staff integrate geospatial concepts into course curriculums is highly welcomed too.






 Welcome to GIS Day 2020

  • o   Introduction to Center for Geospatial Intelligence and Environmental Security – Dr. Buddhi Gyawali
  • o   Instructions for Participation – Jeremy Sandifer


 Geographic and GeoSpatial Sciences for the Classroom

  • o   The Fundamentals of Geographic and Spatial Science — Dr. Keshav Bhattarai
  • o   Geographic Thought for the Classroom and KY Mesonet — Scott Dobler
  • o   Communicating in GeoSpatial: An example from Gettysburg – Vince Dinoto


 The Technology

o   Living La Vida Lidar with GIS; The World From Above with GIS – Demetrio Zourarakis       

o   Covid-19 Community Resource & Data Application and the Applied Technology Working Group – Sarah Allen and Jeremy Sandifer


 Networking and Leadership in GeoSpatial

o   My time in Space: Industry Insights, Guiding Principles, and Lessons Learned during my career in GIS so far… –  Andrew McKinney

o   Technology, People and  –    Tripp Corbin


 Women in GIS

o   Geospatial Career Opportunities: Where can you add your authentic spark? – Terra McKee

o   GeoSpatial Science and Journeys to the African Continent – Ariel Weaver

o   Private Industry Stuff in GeoSpatial – Ryan Bowe

o   Being Spatial– Jennifer Harrison

o   A Geographers Guide to Story Maps– Jill Brown


  Story Map Gallery

o   Student Explorer – Cynthia Rice

o   Geologic Tour of Cove Spring Park — Kentucky Geologic Survey

o   Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Kenton County — NKYmapLAB

o   Tickborne Disease in Kentucky — Environmental Public Health Tracking Network

o   Kentucky’s Climate During the Civil War  – WKU

o   Recycling Plastics in Kentucky – KGA

o   Campus Sustainability Tour – WKU 

o   Online Competition (Middle/High School) – ArcGIS