KAMP Board Conference Call
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
May 24, 2007
The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) held a conference call on May 24, 2007 at 3PM.
Michelle Ellington, KAMP President, University of Kentucky
Kenny Ratliff, KAMP Director, Director, Kentucky DGI
Lance Morris, KAMP Director, GIS Analyst, City of Owensboro
Eric Ivanovich, KAMP Treasurer, GIS Section Manager, HDR/Quest
Stephen Berry, KAMP Secretary, Clark County GIS
Trisha Brush, KAMP Chairman, Membership,
Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission
Michelle Ellington called the meeting to order. Ms. Ellington stated that the KAMP Board of Directors needed to take action on four main items. She stated the first item was potential membership in the Kentucky Geospatial Board. She stated the second item was KAMP involvement in the 2007 Kentucky GIS Conference. Third, she stated was KAMP article in the newsletter of the Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association (KAPA). She also stated that KAMP should consider giving certificates and t-shirts to KAMP Volunteers at the 2007 Kentucky GIS Conference.
Mr. Ratliff stated that the Kentucky Geospatial Board (KYGB) was established by an Executive Order (EO) of Governor Fletcher. He stated that the KYGB has only met once since the EO was signed. He stated that the Kentucky Legislature failed to pass legislation to change the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) to the reflect changes stated in the EO. The EO also dissolved the Geographic Information Advisory Council (established in KRS 11.515) and changed the membership of the KYGB. Mr. Ratliff stated once legislation is passed by the legislature, KAMP may be considered for a seat on the KYGB. On a motion by Mr. Berry and a second by Eric Ivanovich, and a unanimous vote, the KAMP Board approved the consideration of KAMP for a seat on the KYGB.
Ms. Brush requested to be the Chairman of the Certification Committee. She stated that she would like to use the committee to establish a Kentucky GIS Professional (KYGISP) Certification. Ms. Brush stated that the KYGISP would become a recognized standard for GIS professionals. She stated that she would use the Kansas certification program as a model for the Kentucky certification. She stated that the committee should have a broad membership, but include only individuals who were currently certified in their professions.
Ms. Brush stated that a written test would be developed for the KYGISP. She recommended that only the Certification Committee be allowed to review the test. She stated that a broad audience for the test review would reduce the credibility of the final test. Mr. Ivanovich recommended that the Certification Committee contain individuals from the private sector. Ms. Brush stated that the Academic community should be represented on the Certification Committee, as well. No motion is required, however, the KAMP Board agreed to allow Ms. Brush to establish a committee to work under her direction to create a KYGISP programme.
Ms. Ellington stated that she has recruited Jim Lorenz, of Microsoft Corporation, to be the keynote speaker at the 2007 Kentucky GIS Conference. She stated that KAMP should present him with a token of appreciation for his appearance at the conference. She stated that Mr. Lorenz would be giving a presentation on the Microsoft Live! Mapping Program. She also stated that KAMP should invite him to the KAMP Annual Conference, and take him to dinner afterwards.
Mr. Berry stated that he would organize the KAMP Annual meeting preceding the 2007 Kentucky GIS Conference. Mr. Ratliff stated that the Kentucky GIS Conference will not have a Vendor Party. He stated that there will be an optional excursion to the Louisville Riverbats baseball game on the night usually scheduled for the band and mixer. Ms. Ellington stated that Kyle Snyder would be creating T-shirts for the KAMP Volunteers at the GIS Conference.
Ms. Ellington stated that KAMP was invited to write an article in the KAPA newsletter. She stated that KAMP will publish an informational item in the newsletter, with the KAMP website and contact information.
Ms. Ellington stated that detailed minutes are only required for KAMP business. She stated that KAMP membership meetings and presentations could be summarized. She stated that KAMP should review options for podcasting presentations on the KAMP website.
The conference call ended at 4:10 p.m.