Kentucky State University’s Summer Apprenticeship Program (SAP) joins forces with KAMP and other contributing partners for a day of exploration, instruction and professional development. This Exploratorium and GeoMentors Workshop brings unique contributions to aspiring K-12 STEM and geo-STEM apprentices in a common environment with seasoned professionals. Seating is VERY limited!!
Geospatial technology, especially GIS, plays an integral part in interdisciplinary problem solving across a rich variety of STEM content areas. This GIS Exploratorium and GeoMentor Workshop seek to bring together young aspiring STEM K-12 student-practitioners and current geospatial-centric professionals for a hands-on learning and sharing experience…
A detailed agenda can be viewed at the link below for more information:
KAMP KSU-SAP June21st2016 Program
Program Details including Speaker Bios and Abstracts can be found at this link.
A Campus Map can be found at this link.
Register For the Workshop Here (please see the note below first):
*** PLEASE NOTE ***Becoming a KAMP member and keeping your KAMP membership current brings the benefit of attending educational and professional development events such as workshops and exploratoriums for free, and a discount at the Kentucky GIS Conference. Because your membership in KAMP is a valued asset, we ask you to read carefully and follow these instructions before registering for this workshop: