Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
June 3, 2005
Conference Call

Send Kyle info contact people for Emergency management. Meeting in Louisville, contact Curt, Jack Donovan Pres, state management, invite to attend and possibly present info on EM programs meeting at end of month. Sewell has agreed to sponsor, Trish will contact to confirm date, last week of June if possible.

Meeting 21-25 August at GIS conference. Time for nomination committee to get stated, Nomination chair needs to be appointed. Awards for this year, Kyle will ask for nominations, send to board for approval, Awards will be made. Non-members are eligible for awards with the exception of service to KAMP. Either wave membership dues or give a 1 year membership to the winner.

Corporate Membership request can be sent to Trish.

It was agreed the following expenditures can be made;
Awards $150.00
Promotional items (card holders, tape measurers)-not to exceed 400.00 without add’l approval from board.

Trish will check with producers of Label pins if we as members can order directly from them. Prices if we want to order shirts and hats for sale.

Check with ESRI wants to sponsor meeting toward the end of the year.