Regular Meeting of the
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
July 17, 2006

The Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) held its regularly scheduled meeting July 17, 2006 at the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission, 2332 Royal Drive, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky at 7PM.

Earl Smith, KAMP President, Georgetown/Scott Co. Planning
Don Homan, KAMP President-Elect, Sales Representative, ESRI
Michelle Ellington, KAMP Treasurer, University of Kentucky
Lance Morris, KAMP Director, GIS Analyst, City of Owensboro
Stephen Berry, KAMP Secretary, Clark County GIS
Dave Estes, GIS Director, Marshall County GIS Consortium
Leslie Meriwether, ESRI
Greg Hackman, GIS Analyst, City of Bowling Green
Trisha Brush, Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission
Kyle Snyder, Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission
Jeff Prather, Marshall County GIS
Daryl Hamrick, James W Sewell Co.
Eric Ivanovich, Quest Engineers
Tammi Johnson, University of Kentucky, Physical Plant
Jack Renner, Aerocon Photogrammetric Services
Melvin Lawhorn, GIS Coordinator, Boyd County PVA Office
Marc Pearson, FMSM Engineers
Mike Shillenn, PhotoScience, Philadelphia, Treasurer of PA MAGIC
Mary Beth Naiser, Project Manager, PhotoScience
Steve Crabtree, USDA-NRCS
Randall Polly, MapSync, Co.
Kathy Donovan, MapSync, Co.
Demetrio Zourarakis, Remote Sensing/GIS Data Analyst, DGI
Mark Wiljanen, Senior Associate, Information, Kentucky Council of Post-Secondary Ed.
Joe Woods, Lynn Imaging
Ross McKay, Kentucky NGS Advisor
DeWayne Simms, Kentucky Public Service Commission
Amy Murphy, GIS Specialist, PhotoScience
Will Carpenter, Owensboro-Daviess County GIS
Christy Davis, NKAPC
Brandon Lewis, Vaughn & Melton Engineers

Earl Smith called the meeting to order.

Earl Smith welcomed all the attendees to the 2006 Kentucky GIS Conference. Mr. Smith stated that the election of new officers would be held at this KAMP meeting. He introduced the KAMP Executive Board Members; Don Homan, President-Elect, Stephen Berry, Secretary, Joe Primicias, Director and Lance Morris, Director. He thanked the board members for their participation in KAMP. Mr. Smith asked all attendees for an introduction.

Mr. Smith stated that KAMP has been active over the last year. He stated that one issue that exemplified this was Kentucky Senate Bill 111. He stated that although there was no consensus of support for the bill, the discussion was valuable in strengthening KAMP as an organization. He stated that KAMP has been in contact with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). He stated that KAMP may be instrumental in creating awards for the BSA, up to and including a GIS merit badge. He stated that membership has grown by 30%.

Mr. Berry stated that he has ordered the BSA merit badge pamphlets for Orienteering and Surveying. He stated that KAMP may want to use these as a template for a GIS merit badge. He stated that some concerns are that GIS may be too dynamic for a merit badge. There was a question of access raised about GIS technology. The statement was made that GIS is an expensive practice and could be out of the reach of many boy scouts. Kyle Snyder stated that GIS could be made available as a merit. He stated that Aviation is a merit badge. He stated that boy scouts are not required to fly a plane, but are required to interview and know about the technology, terminology, and discipline. He stated that this would be a good comparison to a GIS merit badge.

Lance Morris stated that Boy Scout projects have been completed at a local level. He stated that Owensboro and local Boy Scouts have done some Rail-Trail Projects. He stated that requirements for the patch/badge could be done on a project basis. Ross MacKay stated that a merit badge would have to gain general acceptance in the BSA community. He stated that a draft program may be created and presented at the BSA Annual Jamboree. Mr. Berry stated that a more general patch may be created for Kentucky Scouts, and sponsored by the Kentucky Legislature for Kentucky Scouts. He stated that once a state-wide Special Purpose GIS patch was proven, then the program could be presented at the national level. Mr. Snyder stated that scouts could locate local or regional entities could be used as GIS Mentors to allow scouts to learn about the technology.

Mr. Smith stated that election of the KAMP Board of Directors would be held at this point. Instructions were given to the attendees. Mr. Smith opened the floor for additional nominations. Eric Ivanovich nominated Greg Hackman, of Bowling Green for President-Elect. Mr. Hackman stated that he withdraws from the secretary nomination, and accepts the President-Elect nomination. All candidates were given an opportunity to speak on their behalf.

On a motion from Lance Morris, and a second from Don Homan the nominations were closed.

Trisha Brush stated that KAMP has completed a Product Pricing Survey. She stated that Kyle Snyder compiled the report. She stated that this is a good document to reference for all GIS organization across the state.

Ms. Brush stated that Lynn Imaging has joined KAMP as a Corporate Sponsor. Ms. Brush announced Joe Woods of Lynn Imaging. Mr. Woods stated that KAMP members would receive a 10% discount from Matrix Pricing for all services, supplies, and equipment from Lynn Imaging.

Ms. Brush stated that Papa John’s Pizza provided the pizza for the KAMP meeting. She stated that Patty Farris was not present. Ms. Brush stated that Ms. Farris deserves the thanks of KAMP for the refreshments.

Ms. Michelle Ellington, KAMP Treasurer, stated that the balance in the KAMP account is $2,075.23.


Trisha Brush is the Membership Committee Chairperson.

Kyle Snyder is the Committee Chairperson. He stated that KAMP would be presenting awards at the GIS Conference.

Kyle Bearden is the Committee Chairperson. Mr. Bearden was not present. There was no report.

Demetrio Zourarakis, Chairman of the Education Committee, was present. Earl Smith thanked Mr. Zourarakis for his continuous updates on educational opportunities.

There was no report.

Susan Carson Lambert is the Legislation Committee Chairperson. She was not present. There are other individuals under consideration to succeed Ms. Lambert in this position.

Patti Hall is the Library Committee Chairperson. Ms. Hall was not present. There was no report.

Trisha Brush is the Membership Committee Chairperson. Ms. Brush stated that there was no report.

Kyle Snyder is the Program Committee Chairperson. Mr. Smith stated that KAMP helped sponsor the geo-caching event at the 2006 Kentucky GIS Conference.

Christy Davis, Chairman of KAMP Publication Committee stated that the KAMP newsletter has been sent out. Ms. Davis thanked Michelle Ellington for her work on the KAMP web site.

Greg Hackman stated that his committee and Warren County are working to create a registry for storm shelter locations. He stated that this information could be geocoded and used in local emergency response.

Earl Smith announced the winners of the elections:
Don Homan, President
Michelle Ellington, President-Elect
Eric Ivanovich, Treasurer
Stephen M. Berry, Secretary
Lance Morris, Director
Kenny Ratliff, Director

The officers took the oath of office.

Don Homan accepted his position as President of KAMP. Mr. Homan presented Earl Smith with a plaque of appreciation from KAMP. He stated that KAMP appreciates the leadership that Earl Smith has given in the past year.

Mr. Homan stated that KAMP should consider holding meeting across the state in conjunction with local festivals. Mr. Homan stated that by holding KAMP meetings in “non-traditional” locations, KAMP may realize a greater membership participation. He stated that while not everyone could visit the KAMP meetings in more remote locations, it would serve GIS professionals around the region and allow them to showcase their projects and communities.

Mr. Homan stated that he would concentrate on 3 main areas in his office as president. He stated that it was essential for KAMP to hold meetings once per quarter. He stated that membership recruiting would be a primary goal of his administration. He also stated that KAMP members should offer themselves as mentors to communities and organizations that do not have GIS capabilities. He stated that KAMP members should serve to help these fledgling jurisdictions to establish a mature GIS system.

On a motion from Lance Morris, second by Michelle Ellington, and a unanimous vote the KAMP meeting was adjourned at 8:20 PM.