KAMP Board Conference Call
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
July 13, 2006

The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) held a conference call on July 13, 2006 at 11 AM.

Earl Smith, KAMP President, Georgetown/Scott Co. Planning
Don Homan, KAMP President-Elect, Sales Representative, ESRI
Lance Morris, KAMP Director, GIS Analyst, City of Owensboro
Joe Primicias, KAMP Director, GIS Coordinator, City of Paducah
Michelle Ellington, KAMP Treasurer, University of Kentucky
Stephen Berry, KAMP Secretary, Clark County GIS
Trisha Brush, KAMP Chairman, Membership, Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission

Earl Smith called the meeting to order. Mr. Smith asked the board to consider a proposal offered by Lynn Imaging of Lexington, KY. The Lynn Imaging proposal was made to Trisha Brush, of the Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission in an email dated July 03, 2006. The proposal requested that KAMP retain Lynn Imaging as an exclusive vendor for the period of one year. In return, the proposal granted the KAMP Organization and its members a discount on printing supplies and services.

Mr. Berry stated that there may be concerns with procurement at the agency level of KAMP members. Mr. Berry stated that KAMP members may attempt to extend this discount to member agencies or organizations of their workplaces. Mr. Berry stated that Lynn Imaging may not agree to provide discounted services to multiple agencies, not directly covered by the agreement.

Ms. Brush stated that the Lynn Imaging proposal was a good deal for KAMP members. She stated that the discounted services would give a premium to KAMP members that could encourage membership in KAMP.

Mr. Homan stated Lynn Imaging was using standard industry practices to generate an exclusive sales relationship with KAMP. He stated that KAMP should be uncomfortable offering Lynn Imaging an “official” status. Mr. Homan stated that this may discourage membership of similar vendors who may want to join and participate in KAMP. He stated that if Lynn Imaging would like to join KAMP and extend a discount to KAMP members, then KAMP should embrace such a deal. He stated the KAMP should not enter into exclusive arrangements with particular vendors because it would hurt the relationship of KAMP with similar vendors and not provide appropriate competition for services.

Ms. Ellington stated that KAMP could use the discount, offered by Lynn Imaging, as a benefit to membership in KAMP. Ms. Brush stated that KAMP members would be free to choose from other vendors. Mr. Berry stated that the current proposal would amount to an annual service contract with Lynn Imaging. He stated that any similar services provided by other vendors may leave KAMP and KAMP members liable for breach of contract. Mr. Berry stated that KAMP is not covered by any procurement rules, and could choose vendors, at will. Mr. Homan stated that an annual exclusive agreement would not allow KAMP to accept better terms from other vendors, which would be harmful to KAMP.

Mr. Primicas stated that a vote approving an agreement with Lynn Imaging would be premature, without the parties disclosing all of the details of the agreement. Mr. Morris stated that the offer would be adequate, if it did not contain language that required a contract, exclusivity, and annual agreements.

Mr. Smith stated that a discount from Lynn Imaging to KAMP members would be good for membership, good for the vendor, and good for the KAMP organization. He stated that members would see some tangible benefit from vendor discounts. He stated that vendors would get free advertising by their participation in KAMP. He stated that KAMP members could realize a cost savings through these types of programs.

Ms. Brush stated that she would call her contact at Lynn Imaging and state that KAMP could not accept the exclusive language of their offer. She stated that KAMP would request that the Lynn Imaging offer be extended to KAMP and KAMP members, even without exclusive vendor status. Mr. Homan stated that KAMP could use its website and membership presence to offer Lynn Imaging marketing opportunities in return for the discounted services.

On a motion from Mr. Morris, second from Mr. Primicas, and a unanimous vote, the KAMP board rejected the Lynn Imaging offer as originally proposed.

Mr. Smith stated that nominations for KAMP offices needed to be completed by today, July 13, 2006. The board considered nominations for KAMP offices. Mr. Smith stated that he would draw up a list of candidates and create ballots for the KAMP Meeting at the Kentucky GIS Conference, on Monday, July 17, 2006.

Nominations for President-Elect included: Michelle Ellington, Lance Morris
Nominations for Treasurer included: Eric Ivanovich, Mark Pearson
Nominations for KAMP Director: Kim Anness, Kenny Ratliff, Joe Primicas, Lance Morris
Nominations for Secretary: Stephen Berry
Nominations for Legislative Chairman: Stephen Berry

The conference call ended at 12:00 p.m.