Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
January 23, 2004
Louisville, KY
A meeting of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) was held at 9:00a.m., January 23, 2004 at LOJIC, Louisville, Kentucky.
Trisha Brush and Kyle Snyder presided.
A presentation was made by LOJIC showing their WEB site and the products which are available.
The minutes were distributed via e-mail and accepted with no corrections.
The Treasurers report was presented and accepted with no comments.
Old business:
Reports were made by the various Committee Chairs, the most significant being the launching of our website @ KAMPRO>Org.
New business:
Nick Kearney made an announcement regarding the GIS conference the location this year will be in Lexington KY September 27-30. He also announce the locations and dates for the next two years, Bowling Green, August 22-25, 2005 and the Drawbridge July 16-19, 2006.
Trish requested a motion be made to spend 500.00 for Lapel Pins for members. Ben Campbell made the motion, Darcie Jamison seconded all agreed.The newsletter was presented along with pens and a certificate of membership.
Trish made a report regarding her attendance at the KAPS meeting 30 surveyors were present from around the state. She made a presentation to the association inviting them to our conference and awarded a free membership to one of their members Thad Lucas of Scottsville KY. The KAPS members invited us to submit an article for their newsletter and they agreed to do the same.
The annual dues will be collected at the Gis Conference.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 pm.