Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
February 11, 2003
Berry Hill Mansion
Frankfort, KY

The founding meeting of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) was held February 11, 2003 at Berry Hill Mansion, Frankfort, Kentucky.

Trisha Brush and Kyle Snyder presided.

The Proposed constitution and bylaws were presented and discussed. Steve Berry made motion the membership adopt these, pending changes that had been discussed. Demetrio Zourarakis seconded, all agreed. Changes will be made and documents distributed when complete.

Election of Officers.
Brent Shelton nominated Trisha Brush as President. Trisha Brush nominated Kyle Snyder as Vice President, Dennis Miller nominated Patti Royster as Secretary, Jennifer Weston nominated Christy Davis as Treasurer all were elected by the members unopposed. Patti Royster nominated Patti Hall for the Directors position, Brent Shelton nominated himself. Brent was elected by ballot.

Clarification was made regarding the suggested duties of the various committees and members were asked to sign up for committees they may wish to serve

Membership dues were discussed $25.00 as in the by laws. A bank account and P O Box in Frankfort were decided upon.

GIS Conference
It was suggested the program committee assist in the preparations for the conference. The association possibly have a booth to attract additional members. And a meeting day and time be decided as soon as possible.

The next meeting will be in April with the full membership invited to attend

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.