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KAMP is aligning its training objectives with GIS standards established by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI) for the GISP Exam and used by the National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence (GeoTech Center) in their personal assessment instrument. The GeoTech Center is utilizing forty-four (44) content areas  which are associated with more than 200 competencies.  The GeoTech Center is researching the knowledge strengths and weaknesses in each of these content areas.  The GeoTech Center will reference these content areas for expansion of knowledge at three levels: introductory, intermediate and proficient. A series of code(s) corresponding to the content area(s) and knowledge level ( will be assigned to every educational and professional development opportunity sponsored, co-sponsored, or coordinated by KAMP. Those attending training will be awarded credit towards continuing education in those areas; those credits can then be used towards GISP certification and re-certification, as specified by the GISCI (


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