The KAMP Education and Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce Registration is now open for the 1st KAMP Regional GIS Workshop of 2016. Please see this link to view the Workshop Program which includes 2 tracts in addition to plenary sessions: a one-day course introduction to ArcGIS Desktop 10.4 and an Exploratorium with several […]
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Category: General Announcements
Judges Needed for “Geotechnologies and G
Please mark your calendars for Friday April 22nd – when the STLP State Competition will take place at the Lexington Center. Your help is needed in judging the “Geotechnologies and Geospatial Literacy”category of STLP – as we have done in many years past. This is a KAMP-initiated category and now co-sponsored by the National Geospatial […]
IGTF 2016 – ASPRS Annual Conference and
Register now for the ASPRS Annual Meeting in April and select a workshop – included in the IGTF Full and IGTF Monday registrations. Register early because workshops will fill up. Choose from our largest-ever selection, all taught by experts in their field. Maintain your certification and get continuing education credits as part of the conference. […]
An Announcement from the University of K...
Are you interested in web mapping but uncertain how best to proceed? Check out the online graduate program in Digital Mapping at the University of Kentucky – we can help take your GIS career to the next level. While there are a full range of courses, we recommend experienced GIS professionals begin with MAP 672 […]
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