Summer 2016 KAMP Quarterly Meeting Tuesday, August 9th, 2016 9am – 10am: Setup and Sign-In/Registration 10am – 11am: KAMP Business Meeting 11:15am – 12:30pm: Lunch – Sponsored by Lynn Imaging 12:30pm – 1pm: KAMP Announcements 1pm – 1:30pm – The evolving field of GIS and the GeoTech Center – Vince Dinoto 1:45pm – 2:15pm – Current […]
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Category: General Announcements
A New KAMP Community Service GIS Explora...
Join community members on June 23 at Kentucky Wesleyan College, as they explore to learn with geospatial professionals, among other things: the many ways in which GIS allows communities to maintain infrastructure integrity, services and public safety, how to use business intelligence and social tapestry data to locate new ventures and promote growth, and […]
**As of June 13th, 2016 this workshop is postponed due to low registration. ** On June 16, a specially designed Exploratorium will take place at the Hazard Community and Technical College Technology Campus. The focus of the event will be: modeling emergency response with HAZUS-MH GIS manipulating merged, high definition datasets from different sources […]
KSU-SAP meets KAMP and Friends – June 21
Kentucky State University’s Summer Apprenticeship Program (SAP) joins forces with KAMP and other contributing partners for a day of exploration, instruction and professional development. This Exploratorium and GeoMentors Workshop brings unique contributions to aspiring K-12 STEM and geo-STEM apprentices in a common environment with seasoned professionals. Seating is VERY limited!!
Recruiting Membership Committee Voluntee...
The KAMP membership committee is looking for committee members. Committee members are involved with Educating prospective members about the benefits KAMP membership Contacting former members to increase membership. Maintaining member contact information and membership status Educating members about membership renewal process Please contact Melissa Miracle ( for more information or to volunteer.