Below are links to most-if-not-all information you may need to successfully navigate this year’s conference. Green words in the text below are hyperlinks to additional pages on the website, so be sure to click on those! All Workshops and the Golf Scramble on Monday will be OFFSITE. Workshop attendees do not need to visit […]
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Category: General Announcements
Conference Program (Agenda) available on...
This year the 2016 Kentucky GIS Conference is attempting to go smarter and greener. For the first time the Conference will utilize a mobile app for our agenda. The app we will be using this year is called Guidebook. Guidebook is a free app to download, however, since this is a trial run we are […]
ONE WEEK until the GIS Conference!
Only one week remains until we gather in Covington Kentucky for our 2016 Kentucky GIS Conference at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center. Hover over the Kentucky GIS Conference Tab, and you will see many pages available with the conference agenda, workshop locations, presenter biographies, and more. Keep an eye out for a “Know before you […]
In Case You Missed It … Ethics in the Ge
We hope all of our KAMP members were able to attend the Inaugural Event in the Distinguished Geospatial Speaker Series featuring David DiBiase of ESRI. If you weren’t able to make it, we have great news! The webinar recording is now available for viewing on Directions Magazine’s Vimeo channel. Watch the Webinar here:
Reminder: FREE Webinar September 21, 201...
“Ethics in GIS Education and Professional Practice” Presenter: Dr. David DiBiase Register at: Distinguished Geospatial Speaker Series Event Flyer The Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals, the National Geospatial Technology Center of Excellence and Directions Magazine are proud to announce the inaugural event in our Distinguished Geospatial Speaker Series. Join us on September 21, 2016 at 2pm Eastern to […]