Register for GIS and LiDAR: Register for Introduction to Digital Mapping using Desktop and ArcGIS Pro: [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”KAMP-GeoTech Workshops August2018″]
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Category: General Announcements
Seeking a New GIS Team Member in Contrac...
KYTC OIT is seeking a new GIS team member in a contractor position to help deliver award winning GIS solutions and excellent customer service. The successful candidate will be a systems thinker who: (1) loves to understand the “why” of problems, (2) enjoys working with others to help provide solutions, and (3) enjoys sharing and […]
KAMP Meetup @ ESRI User Conference 2018
Are you planning to attend the Esri User Conference next month? Join members of KAMP and attendees from around the state for a Kentucky Meetup! All Kentucky attendees are welcome. Food and beverage purchases will be on your own. When: Wednesday, July 11 at 8:00 PM Where: La Puerta 560 Fourth Ave, San Diego, CA […]
Scholarship Applications Accepted Now th...
The KAMP Scholarship Committee is proud to announce that we are currently seeking applications for the KAMP Undergraduate GIS scholarship. Deadline to apply for this 2018-19 scholarship is Friday, September 14, 2018. Additional details can be found below: [pdf-embedder url=””]
What are YOUR Education, Training and Pr...
KAMP and the Educational and Professional Development Committee are asking you to take a short survey to help us assess your needs for education, training and professional development in general. We appreciate you taking time away from your very busy schedule; total time for completion of the survey should be less than 15 minutes. The […]