Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
August 18, 2003
Hyatt Regency
Louisville, KY

A meeting of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) was held August 18, 2003 at Hyatt Regency, Louisville, Kentucky. 26 members were in attendance.

Trisha Brush and Kyle Snyder presided.

The minutes were distributed and individually read. Chris Wallace made motion to accept, Brent Shelton seconded, all agreed.

Old business:
Members introduced themselves. Those present who were not members were asked to join the organization prior to the voting of new Board. 7 new members.

Kyle presented the entries for the LOGO contest and they were put on display. The winner announced tomorrow at lunch.

New Candidates were introduced and nominations from the floor were requested, there were none. Vote was taken and Christy Davis counted the ballots.

Trisha asked for any comments about direction the organization was going. How much effort needed to be put forth on recruiting new members.

The first newsletter was presented along with pens and a certificate of membership.

Brent Shelton moved that the financial report be included in all correspondence. Rob seconded.

Christy Davis made report of finances prior to the new members dues being added. Announced the winners of the election.

Kyle assumed presidency and was sworn in by Trisha. Kyle then welcomed and swore in the remainder of the board. Vice President, Kyle Bearden , Secretary, Patti Royster and Treasurer, Christy Davis.

Mike Soto made a donation of ESRI books.

There being no further business Chris Wallace made motion to adjourn, Earl seconded all agreed, the meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.