KAMP Board Conference Call
Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals
April 21, 2006
The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals (KAMP) held a conference call on April 21, 2006 at 11 AM.
Earl Smith, KAMP President, Georgetown/Scott Co. Planning
Don Homan, KAMP Vice-President, Sales Representative, ESRI
Lance Morris, KAMP Director, GIS Analyst, City of Owensboro
Joe Primicias, KAMP Director, GIS Coordinator, City of Paducah
Michelle Ellington, KAMP Treasurer, FMSM Engineers, Inc.
Kyle Bearden, KAMP Certification Committee Chairman, City of Bowling
Green Greg Hakman, KAMP Task Force Chair, City of Bowling Green
Stephen Berry, KAMP Secretary, Clark County GIS
Kyle Snyder, GISP, Principal GIS Specialist, LINK-GIS
Leslie Meriwether, ESRI
Earl Smith called the meeting to order. Kyle Snyder stated that he would contact the Kentucky Division of Geographic Information (DGI) regarding the 2005 Kentucky GIS Conference. He stated that no agenda or schedule has been posted on the DGI web site.
Mr. Smith requested feedback on the next Regular KAMP Meeting. He stated that the tentative date and location were May 12, 2006 in Owensboro. Mr. Snyder stated that the time-frame of the conference was not convenient. He stated that unless the agenda, location, and program for the meeting could be established and reported to KAMP members by April 25, then the meeting date should be postponed until a later date. He stated that a minimum of 3 weeks should be allowed for the KAMP meetings. Mr. Morris asked if there were funds available for refreshments for this meeting. Ms. Ellington stated that the KAMP account has a balance of approximately $2,500. She stated that $100 would be a good limit for the funding of refreshments at KAMP Meetings.
Don Homan stated that a good presentation for a KAMP meeting would be FEMA HAZUS. Mr. Homan stated that he would contact FEMA staff to arrange a presenter at a future KAMP meeting. Michelle Ellington stated that Kenny Radcliff could present GISCorps operations following Hurricane Katrina. Greg Hakman volunteered as a presenter at the next KAMP meeting, in case one of the presenters was not available. Mr. Hakman stated that he could give a presentation on Storm Sewer mapping.
Lance Morris stated that the next KAMP meeting should be used to reconsider committee assignments. Mr. Smith recommended that all KAMP Executive Officers contact KAMP members to fill vacancies in committee chairmanship. He stated that he would divide the KAMP membership list into equal parts and assign these parts to KAMP Executives for solicitation of interest. Ms. Ellington stated that the solicitation should coincide with the newsletter. She stated that the KAMP newsletter could define the
KAMP committee missions. She stated that this information would allow KAMP members to make an educated decision about joining established committees.
Kyle Snyder stated that the 2006 Kentucky GIS Conference (GIS Conference) will be held in Fort Mitchell Kentucky. He stated that the Kentucky Division of Geographic Information has solicited the support of LINK-GIS for the conference. He stated that KAMP, MapSync, and Geospatial Information and Technology Association, Indiana-Kentucky-Ohio Chapter (IKO-GITA) will be organizing the Geocache event at the. Mr. Snyder stated that KAMP needs to identify promotional items for the conference. He stated that Trisha Brush and he will locate promotional items to be given to conference attendees.
Mr. Smith stated that the Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors (KAPS) has expressed interest in presenting a “Surveying 101” session at the GIS conference. He stated that the presentation could be given as an additional session, before or after the conference. It was the general consensus of the board to include a surveying course as part of the regular sessions. Stephen Berry stated that KAPS could moderate a surveying session at the GIS Conference. Earl Smith stated that it could be a “hands-on” workshop with GIS Conference attendees actually being introduced to equipment and methods in the field. Mr. Smith stated that he would contact KAPS to schedule a presenter to give an introduction of surveying to GIS Conference attendees. Kyle Bearden stated that KAMP needs to maintain communication with KAPS to avoid a “clash of cultures” that results from misunderstandings between the two professions.
Lance Morris stated that KAMP should decide on the topic of certification. He stated that KAMP could support the certified geographic information systems (GIS) Professional (GISP). He stated that KAMP could support a state certification, as well. He stated that KAMP could use Certification as an inducement to recruit new members.
The board considered the formation of Kentucky Geospatial Board (KyGB) by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Mr. Smith stated that KAMP should fight for membership on the KyGB. He stated that many of the members of KyGB are administrators and not directly involved in GIS activities. Kyle Bearden stated that 2 of the KyGB members were also members of KAMP. Mr. Smith stated that KAMP should still attempt to have a seat on the KyGB, as an organization.
The KAMP meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM.