The KAMP Education and Professional Development Committee is pleased to announce Registration is now open for the NEW and DIFFERENT 2nd KAMP Regional GIS Workshop of 2016 at Western Kentucky University on May 25th.
KAMP Workshop and Exploratorium comes to
WKU-Center for Geographic Information Science in ONE week (5/25/16)!
Offering these HOT topics to keep you relevant in your profession:
1- Using weather feeds in your web mapping apps
2- Automated data input from mobile field data collection
3- Increasing your positional accuracy
4- LiDAR Point cloud merging and processing for 3D visualization
5- Geomentoring resources using ArcGIS Online with case studies
6- Using cloud-based services for cartographic analysis
7- Building Information Models (BIM) and 3D visualization for Facilities Management using GIS
8- Business Intelligence Insights Using Business Analyst Online
•This Exploratorium and Workshop will take place on WEDNESDAY MAY 25th on the Bowling Green Campus of WKU.
• Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
• Keynote presentation on BIM by Kevin Kaufman and Corey Bell
•Registration is now open: KAMP Regional GIS Workshop @ Western Kentucky University
• Registration fee is $25, but free to KAMP members.
Visit this link to view the Workshop Program which includes 2 tracts in addition to plenary sessions: a One-day Workshop Regarding ArcGIS Online for Geomentoring in K-12 and an Exploratorium Covering Diverse Topics in Geospatial Tools and Analysis.
Additional details about the workshops can be found here and include speaker bios and presentatin abstracts.
ProgramDetails_ KAMP-WKU_Workshop_052516_final
Register For the Workshop Here (please see the note below first):
*** PLEASE NOTE ***Becoming a KAMP member and keeping your KAMP membership current brings the benefit of attending educational and professional development events such as workshops and exploratoriums for free, and a discount at the Kentucky GIS Conference. Because your membership in KAMP is a valued asset, we ask you to read carefully and follow these instructions before registering for this workshop: